Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Bland as all get out

Man, I have really had nothing going on lately. I have been in and out of sick with a sore throat and all of that, but over all I cannot think of anything really interesting going on.

Ok, that's not true. There is always a lot going on in my life. If there is not, then I have to just make something up.

Ok, so, it has been raining lately and I have been a bit lazy, so I have not been looking for in-between places, but the search for in-between places led me to something else: Geocaching. I have know about geocaching for a long time now, but I did not have a GPS. While I was out walking around, I remembered that I have one on my new work Blackberry (sweet). Anyway, I checked geocaching.com and found that there was a cache near my work, so I went to check it out. After a good walk and a bit of searching, I found the cache of coins and some other trinkets in an abandoned trailer park. There were no trailers, just a street (that you cannot get to from anywhere) and the pads that the trailers used to go on. All around it is valuable business real estate, so… Whatever. It was out of place and an AWESOME in-between place.

I have found a couple of other caches too and have gotten this guy Rajiv at work interested in it.

Anywho, I have been wondering how far I could walk before I got bored of it and I think that I could walk from my house to The Forum in a couple of hours, avoiding highways of course. I would then have to find a way back though. I could walk back home, or I could call Kasey to come get me and enjoy a Starbucks while I wait. Walking back would not be that fun though, because if I can walk back, why not just walk further and see something different?

I wonder how far I could go…

We will have to see.

Check out this dude: Vagabond Wade and his site http://www.vagabondjourney.com/

Some of you have probably heard me talk about HoboTraveller.com and my fascination with vagabonding, if not, oh well. HoboTraveller is interesting, but I have found Vagabond Wade to be much more interesting, a better writer and more adventurous. He is much younger than Andy (HoboTraveller) though, so that probably has something to do with it…

Anyway, I have responsibilitiesL, so I will have to settle for a long walk and maybe some camping.

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