Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Another Meeting

So, here I sit in another meeting. It is the same meeting that I blogged about last week that was uber exciting. It is what they call a CAB meeting (Change Advisory Board). The point of it is to let everyone in the IT department know what changes are happening in the entire IT infrastructure of the company. There are like 12 people in this room and about 30 other people on the phone.
My job here is to wait for an hour to let everyone know that our release that takes ploace tomorow is on schedule and good to go. I am also supposed to let anyone know if any change someone else is going to do will affect the stuff I work on.
It seems like a great idea, but I am pretty new here and I honestly have no idea what is going on. I just know that when it comes to my stuff, I am supposed to say "Everything is in place and ready to go on schedule".
Fun huh?

There is a dude here that looks a lot like Sky, but with longer hair. I have been to lunch with him like 4 times, but I do not know his name.

Scott McArthur

1 comment:

Kasey said...

maybe if you stopped blogging during your meetings you would have a clue about whats going on :) love you!