Tuesday, June 24, 2008

In-Between Places

I could tell my friends but they think I've lost it anyway
That this is just a passing phase
And the running will wither down
To the places I'm supposed to go
In the lines I'm supposed to know
I haven't yet figured out...

They all look at me they let me go and they watch me moving
This time I'll try to be more beautiful and more amusing

-- Maylynne, "Catch Me"

Between the places that we go every day lay an entire world, waiting to be explored.

Today in my cubicle, I was sitting here thinking of taking a walk around outside during lunch. I thought that it would do me some good to get outside and it would give me some time to think. While I was considering this, I was wondering where I would go and how I could get a good route without looking strange. I mean, let's face it, in our society, you do not see a man in business casual dress just walking around. That is for weird-os and foreigners.

I thought that it would be nice to be able to walk through a park or something, but I did not want to drive to one, just so that I could walk around it. That seemed strange to me, plus I did not want to kill my lunch time driving somewhere.

The area where I work is really just a business area and the only thing resembling a park is the trees between cars in the parking lot. This got me thinking about the other green areas around my office and I realized that there were probably a lot of them, I had no idea. I would just have to check it out.

I started thinking of "in-between places": Places that are in-between the grids and lines that we live our lives in. Think about it, roads, buildings and all of that are generally grid like. Sure roads curve and buildings may not be cubes, but this is usually because the earth gets all in the way. This makes for odd shaped plots of land. Many times, people will just build their square building perpendicular to the road, add a parking lot and BAM: a new office building. At the same time though, a new in-between place is made. That little odd shaped piece of land just sits there and people pretend that it is not there.

This got me thinking more. There are a lot of places that are just undeveloped also. Places that eventually there WILL be something, but right now there is not. Maybe it is for sale, maybe it is just waiting for the day to happen. Here in San Antonio, it may be an aquifer set aside too. (This happens if a guy paves a huge area of land and is legally required to NOT develop another piece of land so that water can collect there and seep into the aquifer so we can then drink it.)

This is the kind of place that I loved when I was a kid. This is where we would build our forts, where we would hang out with friends, play G.I. Joe and maybe even do things we were not supposed to. When we were kids we saw these places, but as we grew up, we saw only the grid.

So, after I ate, I did it.

I simply went outside.

I had no idea where I was going to go, so I just went out and started walking.

I walked past my office building that towered over the trees, past an apartment complex as a guy left in a Jeep Wrangler (maybe he was going to the beach), past a bus stop that smelled like the person that had just gotten on had just finished smoking some weed, and then I saw it: An in-between place.

It was littered with trash. Wrappers from the Subway down the street, Coke bottles, junk mail, news paper, and of course, Wal-Mart bags decorated the in-between place. Maybe it was treasure? As a kid, I would have taken the time to poke through the stuff and see if there was anything interesting. Who knows, there could be … well, anything!

This in-between places was better than I could have hoped for though. It seemed to be a vacant lot that had just not been developed yet and it had a little road! I had no idea where it went, but I went to check it out.

I could feel the excitement of finding something out building in my belly. It was similar to getting a package from the Something Store I guess, but much more. The path was "wooded" with trash trees and overgrowth and curved shortly after it began. As I rounded the bend I passed more trash, trees and even a discarded couch, then I saw HUGE rocks. It seems that this lot was actually being developed right now and they had excavated these huge rocks. (I wish I had a camera.) The rocks were cool, but I passed them by. Maybe I will climb them next time. I went further to pass the graffiti covered shipping container that doubled as an office for the workers, rounded the corner to walk up I-10 for about 10 feet and then cut through parking lots to head back towards my office.

This time I walked up a sidewalk, past anonymous business park style buildings with no names on the doors, and I wondered, who worked there. What do they do? To most people these are in-between places too.

Then I passed a drainage ditch. I am not sure what those things are called, but they are basically concrete creeks that channel the rain water off of the roads and over to… somewhere else. Another in-between place. I used to walk down these as a kid. I would go under the bridges built over them for the roads and all that too. There was always a lot of trash around, and there still is.

I only walked for maybe 20 minutes, but tomorrow I will do more.

I will sit on the rocks.

Maybe I will take a picture of them.

Either way, I will slip between the cracks in the grid.

I need to remember to bring shoes.

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