Monday, June 23, 2008

Tonight, Tonight, Tonight

That title makes me wonder which song I have in my head. Phil Collins or Smashing Pumpkins. It was actually Smashing Pumpkins until I saw it actually typed out, then I could not get Phil Collins out of my head… It's hard to convey a tune in just three words I suppose…

So, tonight is going to ROCK!

Last week, my boss man gave me 2 BOX SEATS TO SEE WWE RAW!

How sweet is that?

Yes man. Box Seats. The sweet suites at the top of the ATT center. My company has one and I will be in it tonight watching the smacketh come downeth. J

Today is a special day indeed. A friend of mine is a pro wrestler and tonight is his official interview/try out or whatever for the WWE.

Kasey was gracious enough to let me take my other friend, Sicodelico Jr.'s brother, to the event tonight.

Man, I am STOKED. I cannot wait.

If you have a minute, please take a moment to pray for Sicodelico Jr. This is a lifelong dream for him and could be his only chance.

I plan to leave to go to the show right after work, but I just realized that I forgot my camera. L I will have to figure something out before too long!

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