Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The New Evil in My Life

So, this week I have discovered the SoBe Elixer: Yumberry Pomegranate. It is super good. I say that it is evil because it is $1.65 at work and I feel as if I need one every day. They recently started giving us free coffee here, so I have been using my coffee change that I have at my desk to buy them, but I am almost out of change. I only have about enough for one more and after that I will have to use real money.

I don't even know what a Yumberry is, but it has such a hold on my life that I cannot imagine living without it. I have not had this feeling in my life since I got my Blackberry, or my iPod or my TiVo before that. There are just things in life that you cannot get by without, yet you did fine before it was in your life. (I call those times the "Dark Ages")

I mean, what did people do before microwave ovens? It's just one of those things that after it becomes yours, you know that it has a permanent place in your life.

The sad part is that the Yumberry Pomegranate comes into your life for only a short time. Once you drink it all, you have only a memory of the Yumberry goodness in your heart. While it is uplifting for the day, tomorrow it is gone and you have to have another one.

It is not fair. It is evil. I love it so.

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