I don't really have time to write a lot, but I have a lot of pictures of taking my youth group to volunteer at the San Antonio Food Bank. It was a great time, being both fun and fulfilling. We spent three hours there and sorted something like 5 pallets of food donated from HEB.
HEB donates all of their damaged can goods and other non perishable items that would otherwise be thrown away. By the time it sits in a warehouse and all that, some of it is not eatable anymore and some of it may not have been in the first place. Our job was to sort out what was keep and what was trash.
After working here, most of the kids had an idea that there are many people right here in town who only have this to eat, the stuff that other people would consider trash.
Don’t get me wrong, I would have eaten the food.
When we got there, they treated us all to some “home made” pizza and soda. It was delicious and EVERY single kid commented on how good it was. However, I think the kids did not put one and one together and did not easily realize where the pizza came from. I do not know for sure, but I would assume that the ingredients came from the food bank itself.
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