I have a mole on my shoulder that is pretty big. I have talked to a couple of doctors about having it and a couple of others removed, but they always want a separate appointment, or to send me to a specialist. I am not really interested in either one of those options though.
The Last time I went to the doctor and mentioned it, he said "Just tie a string around it and it will fall off."
Huh. I had never thought of that. They do that to remove parts of bulls all of the time. When I was a kid, my parents would tell me not to tie a string on my finger or it would fall off. Simply cut off the blood flow for a long time, that part will die and fall off. What could it hurt to try?
Now, you have to understand, this mole is pretty big, but it doesn't have any feeling. I can pinch it or whatever all day long and it is no big deal. This fact helped to build my confidence in the whole process, because like most normal people, I am not that into pain or anything.
So, I thought about this a lot over the next couple of months and even tried it once. I simply made a knot in some dental floss and tied it around the mole. This did not work out too well, however, since I was doing it myself and the mole is on my right shoulder. It ends up that it is really hard to tie a knot in a weird contorted way like that. This attempt ended up with the loop of the knot tied around the middle of the mole. Now mind you, this probably would have worked, but would have only gotten half of it. If I would have stuck with this I am sure that I would have ended up with a jacked up half mole on my shoulder that is pretty ugly, so I cut the string off. Now, that is no easy task mind you. I had not really thought about it this far. How was I going to get this string off?
Well, I immediately thought of a razor, but I could barely tie it, so why would I be able to cut it without slitting my throat? I then thought that cuticle scissors would be the way to go, so I got my hands on some and tried to get at the mole. It ends up that my arms don't bend the right way to do perform that maneuver. I had to wait for Kasey to get home to cut it off for me.
When she got home, I explained the situation and she looked at me like I was simply crazy. Mind you, she was in the doctor's office when he recommended this procedure. After seeing what was going on, she reluctantly cut it off.
Some time passed and I thought about the situation and decided that this had to be a two person operation. In order to get the string in the right position, I was going to have to have another person do it. Kasey had said that she would not. It was gross. This dude Bryce said that he would do it, but I usually only see him at church and did not think that would be the best place to do self surgery. After thinking some more, I had to go back to a faithful way of getting things done. Screw it up and ask for help. J
So, this past Saturday, I was sitting in my recliner and started to tie the floss around it on my own. Kasey naturally wanted to know what in the world I was doing. I explained that I was getting rid of the mole and that I was having some trouble. I asked her to help, and seeing my situation, she rolled her eyes and helped get the knot in position. Sweet. I was on my way to having one less mole.
Monday, we had a Labor Day picnic to go to, and the mole was a little sore. Well, not the mole itself, it has not feeling, but I could feel every little tug in the skin around it, below the string. Other than that, it did not look different. It was a little paler maybe. I am not really sure. There was slight color change, but no big deal.
Tuesday, it did not bother me at all.
Wednesday, it started to get bigger and rounder. It kind of looked like a pea, except pink. It did not really bother me at all though. By the evening, it was a bit sore around the edges though. It had definitely changed color though.
Thursday morning (today), I woke up to find that it was pretty tender, swollen and light red. Not pink, darker than that.
I am really not sure how long this is going to take, but I wish that it would hurry up. I am thinking that it will be like two weeks or so before it happens. IT being the thing falls off. I have no idea how it will happen though. The only thing that I have to compare it to is having a wart frozen off. It just got nasty and then I picked it off like a scab after a couple of days. I wonder if it will be like that, or if I will just wake up to a little mole in the bed with me. Eeew.
I'll tell you what though, something needs to happen, because with the way it has swollen, the string will be really hard to get to and I am not sure that I could cut just the string off the way it is now. I guess worst case, I will have to get someone to slice it off with a razor blade. Any volunteers?