Donald Norman's Poker Blog
So, I ran across this guy’s blog by complete chance and found it intriguing from the get go. I knew that there were professional poker players out there, I have seen them on TV, but I have always imagined them as cigar smoking fat men that surely are in the mob. After reading Donald’s blog it seemed to make more and more sense. I am sure that with Texas Hold’em being on TV regularly there are a lot of people who want to play online. I guess someone has to beat them and take their money. I suppose if you are good and make enough, why not do it for a living? If you make about $250 a day, five days a week and take 2 weeks off, you are looking at $62,500 a year. Not a bad living, especially if you work only an hour a day!
Dave Bianes posted on HoboTraveler
2 years ago